

Friday, February 18, 2011

Matching Game

Title :  Matching Game
Year: 2010
Lecturer : Mrs. Norhana Yusof 
Assignment Type : Group Assignment 
The Team : Game Designer and Programming - Low Yee Chin,
                      Interface Designer - Ooi Poh Kee,
                      Sound Recoder - Tan Chuen Shiang,
                      Music - Ng In Wen 
Software: Abobe Flash CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4

Introduction :
Matching game is a educational mobile game. This game is suitable for kids at the age of 3-6 years old. This game is divided into 3 level and bonus round which first level is matching fruit game, second level is matching animal name, third is matching transport name and bonus round is mathematic questions. First level is match four of fruit name, second level is match six of animal name and third level is match eight of transport name. The children look at the animation fruit, animal or transport, then choose the correct answer by pressing the mobile button such as 1,2,3.. Mark will be given for correct answer and minus for the wrong answer.

Step and Game Description:

1.  This is main menu of matching game. There have 4 button, that is Play, Instruction, Credit and Exit. When click on play, then will go to choose level page. This page have music background.

2. This is setting of the matching game. In the kindergarden, the teacher is teaching the children about fruit name, animal name and transport name.

3. This is the instruction of the teacher.

4. The kids need to click "Enter" at the mobile phone to go to choose level page.

5. The kids can choose want to play which level of matching game.

6. Level 1 is start. Level 1 is matching fruit name.

7. The animation of fruit is show to kids, they need to choose the correct word to match the fruit. In this case, kids need to press "3" at keypad mobile phone. 10 marks will be given for correct answer and 5 marks will be minus for wrong answer. Besides that, there will have sound to read the answer if the answer choose by kids is correct. This can teach children to pronounce the word. In this case will be "apple".

8. This is the effect will show by the matching game if the wrong answer is choose. There will have sound effect of wrong answer. The wrong effect will only appear for 2 second than disappear, then kids can continue to choose other answer. In this matching game is not have game over. It is because the target user is children, if always have game over, children need to restart to play the game again. Without game over, they can try many time as they want that the answer they think is correct.
9. After complete the four questions, than level 1 is complete. The kids can choose want go to main menu page, replay the level 1 or go to next level.

 10. Level 2 is start. Level is matching animal name.

11. In level 2, kids need to match six of the animal name. The sound effect of correct and wrong answer is same as effect at level 1. In this case, kids need to press "6" at keypad mobile phone and sound "elephant" will be pronounce.
 12. After complete the six questions, than level 2 is complete. The kids can choose want go to main menu page, replay the level 2 or go to next level.
13. Level 3 is start. Level is matching transport name.
 14. In level 3, kids need to match eight of the transport name. The sound effect of correct and wrong answer is same as effect at level 1. In this case, kids need to press "2" at keypad mobile phone and sound "train" will be pronounce.
15. After complete the eight questions, than level 3 is complete. The kids can choose want go to main menu page, replay the level 3 or go to next level.
 16. This is bonus stage, can help the kids gain more marks.
 17. In this stage will have 5 of mathematic question.There will be given only 15 seconds.

  18. After 15 seconds, the kids cannot finish the 5 question will be time up.

19. This is end of the game. The total score get by the player will show here. The player can press on "Enter" button on keypad to return to main menu.
20. When press instruction on page main menu, will go to this page. This page is tell the user how to play the game. This page have music background.
21. When press credit on page main menu, will go to this page.This page have music background.

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