

Friday, January 28, 2011

The second day of MM seminar

Before i go to MM seminar class today, i hope that En.Syamsul will forget about the self introduction part. Unfortunately, En.Syamsul once enter the class, after telling some important information to the new student just add in to the MM seminar class, he want to continue the self introduction. Suddenly, I feel very nervous and faster finding out the paper i write about my bio-data last week.

"My name is Low Yee Chin. I come form Butterworth, Penang. I am now stay at DPP Bank Muamalat."

A very short self introduction. Because of very nervous, i forget to say about my family background and my hobbies. En.Syamsul ask me, what is your hobbies? For that moment, my mind is blank. "Sleeping", i give this answer to En.Syamsul. I don't know why i will give this answer. Actually i have many hobbies, online (chatting, see article, check email), watch movie, eating.. Now add one more hobbies, writing blog ^^

 Self Introduction

En.Syamsul explain to us more detail about the assessment, include the percentage of each assignment. The assessment include 4 quizzes and 3 assignment. En.Syamsul very funny that give us to choose whether is pop quiz or tell us 1 week before the quiz.. Many people scream that want the second choice.. Than he say than we have a quiz on next week. Oh no!! Next week i think no more chinese student will stay at here.. Than what should i do?? Stay here or go back early to help my parent prepare for celebrate Chinese New Year! All the student start make noise,than En.Syamsul ask for our opinion. He really is a good and will consider student feeling lecturer. There have student suggest no quizzes in our assessment. Because of this suggestion, our class suddenly noise like a "pasar".. Many ppl give their own comment. Finally, the last decision is no quiz at next week and the class is cancel. This is a good news for all chinese student, haha~ Thank you very much, En.Syamsul. Than there will only have 3 quizzes, each is 5%, than another 5% will be count in assignment 3 (Organizing Event)

After that, we have a break. In this moment, we are discuss about the assignment same group with who. The assignment is pair of work. I am same group with my roommate, Phang Siok Kim. Don't think that it will make us easy to discuss our assignment. She come from Sarawak and i come from Penang.. In this holiday, how are we going to do assignment together? This really make me headache.

After break, we are going to pick up a number in an envelop.. The lucky number i get is no.24 !!! Haha.. "Penggunaan facebook dalam pendidikan".. Facebook, i believe all people familiar with it. I know this is a good title, but also no easy to do. I also worry that i can't do the best. Anyway, i and my partner will try to do the best =)

I think there have many people have problem with the title they get, this can prove by below photo..

En.Syamsul busy answer a lot of question from the student..

The 3 hours of class finish with above situation. At last, wish all of my classmate Happy Chinese New Year and happy holiday ^^

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