

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

29th of March

Today is who matrix number end with 2 and 3 have their presentation. Again i can feel their tension.. Before the presentation start, En.Syamsul give us a quiz with the title "Explain the strategies on for the great presentation". 10marks for this quiz.. we can submit the quiz today when the class end or bofore 5pm on coming thursday..
Presentation start..
Because of need to rush my other paper assignment, i bring my laptop to the class. i am doing my assignment in the class, but i also got see my friends present while i am busy.. I have doing the quiz too, but can't complete it, just finish half.. So, i will submit it on Thursday..

~The class end~

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mystery Masquerade Night

Today, we go to EDC by bus.. When arrived at EDC, i can see everyone wear nicely and beautiful.. This is a wonderful and memorable night for all of us before we graduate..
All of the girl..
 10 of us..
Me and pooying.. She first time wear the skirt, everyone want take photo with her..
Eating time..
We with En.Syamsul and his daugher..

There are a lot of activity such as every table have a lucky girl or guy to be selected to play a lucky draw game, cat walk show..
 There are playing the game..
Soh Yun kiat, singing time..
This is the post that we post in cat walk show.. 
We win in the competition of cat walk show..

The Mystery Masquerade Night end..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

22th of March

Today once i enter the class, i can feel the tension of the presenter and i saw all of them going to paste their slide which need to be use later of the presentation at the computer. Suddenly i feel nervous for my presentation. Although my presentation is at last week, but i doesn't know how to handle my nervous feeling when standing in front of the class.

Before start of the presentation, En.Syamsul explain to us about the technique of the public speaking.elas
1) Know the room
2) Know the audience
3) Know your material
4) Relax
5) Work from your personal brand
6) Realize that people want you to succeed
7) Dont apologize
8) Concentrate on the message
9) Turn nervousness into positive energy
10) Gain experience

Besides that, En.Syamsul also explain to us that the presentation marking skill :
1) Visual aid tools
2) Delivery/communication/attire
    a. Physical appearance
    b. Speaking clearly and loudly
    c. Well controlled action and gestures
    d. Effective communication between presenter and audience
    e. Presenter control the presentation very well and confident
    f. Presentation is organized
    g. Clear voice and information
    h. audience interaction
3) Questions and Answer

The part i most nervous is Q&A. If i cant answer the questions, surely will lost the marks. If there is no question asking the presenter, presenter will no marks for this part. =(  so bad..

Presentation START!! I learn the technique how the presenter presenter and start to think the way i going to present on my presentation day.
En.Syamsul have prepared a special present for best presenter today. Finally, the best present is Tan Ting Wei with the higher mark 24.5. Congratulation to Ting Wei, our big brother ^^

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

15th of March

Today, En.Syamsul invited two special guess, Fitri and Huda, to sharing with us their experience of being a Master student. They tell us that how to start to do a research, all start with a title, do the research title that we interesting with it, and he share with us the step of do the research. Besides that, they also tell us the different between research and coursework. Really thanks to them, i know the more about the MASTER.. There have student keep asking them some questions, i think they wish to continue their study to more higher level. Already study for 16years, kindergarden, primary school, secondary school, pre-U, and now university, i don't think that i will continue study..

En.Syamsul distribute us the date to present our paper and blog. This is individual presentation, i thought can present with partner, so sad. Not sure that my matrix number end with 8 is lucky or not, i will present at 26th of april, my friends say present at last need to think more different idea than other presenter that present earlier. I more scare about the Q&A, not sure i can answering the question or not. Wish my classmate not much question to ask me.

Then, En.Syamsul distribute to us the quiz paper again, i waiting En,Syamsul to say "take home quiz".. When finish distribute the paper, he really say that.. YEAH !! Thank you, En.Syamsul

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

8th of March

Today, En.Syamsul open the slide once he get into the class and ask us form 4 person in a group. The silde show an instruction as below:

Research Methods in Multimedia
(1) Form group of 4
(2) Seat in within your group

Actually i not like the group of 4 person, as i and my friends is 9 person. How with the another one, i really hate this moment to choose group. When the lecturer ask where is your group? then only we separate into 2, 3, and 4 person. So, i am same group with Khor Huey Ling and Phang Siok Kim (3 person). After that, there have one guy also is my friend no group, so he join in my group. He is Hoh Teck Shian.

When we seat in a group, En.Syamsul give us a paper and which the topic number on the top of corner of the paper.

The number we get is 17 and the topic is HCI. HCI - Human Computer Interaction, this subject i am taken when i am in semester 2. I try to recall back all about HCI, but it is very hard. We start to discussion and write it down on the paper. After that we need to present what we had done in front of the class. I and Teck Shian are going down to present. There are only few group to present as there is not enough time. Other group just at their own place and give the title definition. If we know about that, we wont go down to present. At last, all the paper was pass up for the lecturer.

Then come to the time discuss the dinner event budget. The organizer ask for our opinion, which packages we want to choose, there have four packages, that are  A, B, C and D. All is not include the bus. The conclusion of the event are the date will be 23-03-2011, at EDC. The fee is Rm50. They name the dinner night as "Mystery Masquerade Night".

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1st of March

Today we cant start our class in time as face some techincal problem. There already 11.30, without waste the time, En.Syamsul start the class while waiting the technical staff. Today lecture we learn about the academic article. There are 4 type of article that is journal, conference procedding, thesis and research report.

En.Syamsul tell us a good news that is we no need to present our paper writing at Film Festival. Hooray~ very excited to heard that.. But when En,Syamsul said still need to present in front the class, i feel so down =(  At last also need to present, but present at class will better that present at Film Festival. Is a good news for us ^^

After that, En.Syamsul distribute back our last week quiz paper, i forget already who paper i marking.. Total marks of the quiz is 20, the person i marking only have 4 marks, . Everyone get low marks. I worry with my marks. I sure make many mistake.. Who marking my paper? Haiz.. En.Syamsul like can feel what we all think, he say if cannot score this quiz, DONT WORRY, still have many many quiz, will choose the best from the quiz.. Wish next quiz i dont make the small mistake again.

Then we continue the class with discuss about the theme of our dinner event. There are many suggestion among the student. For example, there have theme Fairy tales, gothic, black rose, koboi, back to school, mask and so on. The theme back to school very funny, if this theme to be selected, where i am going to find my school uniform?? i still can wear the uniform? haha... The president of the event said after choose the theme, we must wear costume that match the theme. After the suggestion is close, we start to vote the theme we like. At last, the theme MASK is selected, there are 73 student(almost all student) vote for this theme.. We need to prepare the mask ourselves, i and my friends starting discuss where can we go to buy the mask.. While discussing the president say about the cloth, just wear any cloth that you feel creative and suitable.. So?? what is the conclusion for custome? We all still confuse with it..

Then we continue discuss about the another event.. Before that said want to go KL, than change to Bukit Merah, after that say expensive than change back to KL again.. maybe will go RTM, but there seem have people doesn't want to go RTM as they had go before. Somemore there are too many student, only have 2 buses, only 75 student can go.. Other maybe need to plan other event. Hope all the problems can be solve earlier.. Actually, I not have any comment, go KL, bukit merah, i also OK..

Class end with full discussion between friends.