

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

15th of March

Today, En.Syamsul invited two special guess, Fitri and Huda, to sharing with us their experience of being a Master student. They tell us that how to start to do a research, all start with a title, do the research title that we interesting with it, and he share with us the step of do the research. Besides that, they also tell us the different between research and coursework. Really thanks to them, i know the more about the MASTER.. There have student keep asking them some questions, i think they wish to continue their study to more higher level. Already study for 16years, kindergarden, primary school, secondary school, pre-U, and now university, i don't think that i will continue study..

En.Syamsul distribute us the date to present our paper and blog. This is individual presentation, i thought can present with partner, so sad. Not sure that my matrix number end with 8 is lucky or not, i will present at 26th of april, my friends say present at last need to think more different idea than other presenter that present earlier. I more scare about the Q&A, not sure i can answering the question or not. Wish my classmate not much question to ask me.

Then, En.Syamsul distribute to us the quiz paper again, i waiting En,Syamsul to say "take home quiz".. When finish distribute the paper, he really say that.. YEAH !! Thank you, En.Syamsul

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