

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

22th of March

Today once i enter the class, i can feel the tension of the presenter and i saw all of them going to paste their slide which need to be use later of the presentation at the computer. Suddenly i feel nervous for my presentation. Although my presentation is at last week, but i doesn't know how to handle my nervous feeling when standing in front of the class.

Before start of the presentation, En.Syamsul explain to us about the technique of the public speaking.elas
1) Know the room
2) Know the audience
3) Know your material
4) Relax
5) Work from your personal brand
6) Realize that people want you to succeed
7) Dont apologize
8) Concentrate on the message
9) Turn nervousness into positive energy
10) Gain experience

Besides that, En.Syamsul also explain to us that the presentation marking skill :
1) Visual aid tools
2) Delivery/communication/attire
    a. Physical appearance
    b. Speaking clearly and loudly
    c. Well controlled action and gestures
    d. Effective communication between presenter and audience
    e. Presenter control the presentation very well and confident
    f. Presentation is organized
    g. Clear voice and information
    h. audience interaction
3) Questions and Answer

The part i most nervous is Q&A. If i cant answer the questions, surely will lost the marks. If there is no question asking the presenter, presenter will no marks for this part. =(  so bad..

Presentation START!! I learn the technique how the presenter presenter and start to think the way i going to present on my presentation day.
En.Syamsul have prepared a special present for best presenter today. Finally, the best present is Tan Ting Wei with the higher mark 24.5. Congratulation to Ting Wei, our big brother ^^

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