

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wireless Wheel Chair

Title: Wireless Wheel Chair
Year: 2010
Lecturer: En.Fakhrul
Assignment Type: Group Assignment
Prepared by: Tan Sean Ling, Lee Hui Joo, Foo Poo Ying, Lim Hooi Ling, Low Yee Chin, Ooi Poh Kee.


Our wireless wheel chair is designed for those disabilities people especially who has restricted movement. The main part of this product is the wireless controller. The controller is used to control the movement of wireless wheel chair. In case of the wireless wheel chair is far away from the user, he can just use the controller to command the wheel chair come toward him. The users can also have convenient movement while sitting on the wheel chair. The users can use the controller to move to anywhere easily and faster. In term of mobility, the controller is small and can be worn on neck. This convenience allows users have free hand to do other stuff with controller along with him. Besides that, the wheel chair also has storage to keep the user’s things. The users can put their stuff inside the storage by themselves.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Last Class of MM Seminar

Today is our last class of MM seminar. Class today start to continue the presentation that who have not present yet. I enter class today late as i need to interview lecturer for my MM Design assignment.

After all the presentation, we have class photo shooting.. Below is the photo:

I look so smaller at the back. I am sitting second row from the back and 3rd from the left. Can't clearly see myself. Actually there have a lot of people not enter the class today as they all have participate in the IT and MM karnival days.

**Class End**

Sunday, April 24, 2011

UUM Carry Mark System

Ttile: UUM Carry Mark System
Year: 2010
Lecturer: Encik Jasni Bin Ahmad
Assignment Type: Group Assignment
Prepared by: Tan Sean Ling, Lee Hui Joo, Lim Hooi Ling, Foo Poo Ying, Low Yee Chin, Ooi Poh Kee
Software: Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop

Development a Carry Mark System for lecturer/tutor to manipulate student carry mark and enable student to check their carry mark. This project is divided into three phase which is analysis phase, design phase and prototype phase. In the analysis phase, interview and questionnaires is use to define the problem and analyze the user. In the design phase, storyboard and paper prototype are develop and interview lecturer to test the prototype. In the prototype phase, high fidelity prototype is developing by using Adobe Dreamweaver. 

The System Design:
This is the login page for lecturer and student.
After the lecturer logn in the uum carrymark system will come to this page - Home Page
Lecturer can click to view the status of carrymark of every student, the lecturer can click to edit the assessment, edit the carrymark of the student and can print the page.
This is the edit assessment page.
The lecturer can edit the student carrymark through this page
This is new message page. The lecturer can send message to their student through this page.
This is the inbox page. When the student send message to the lecturercan view through this page. In this page have the button select all, reply, forward and delete message.
This is the outbox page. When the lecturer reply and send message to the student view have record at this page. In this page have the button select all, reply, forward and delete message.
This is the information of the lecturer. Lecturer can change their password at this page.
This is the student home page. It show all the subject the student at that semester. Student can click at the view button.
After student click on the view button, will go to this page, there will show their carrymark of the subject.

For the message also have new message, inbox and outboz page, same as the lecturer.

This is the information of the student. Student can change their password at this page.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wawac Car Company Transaction System

Title: Wawac Car Company Transaction System
Year: 2010
Lecturer: Puan Noor Izzah Yahya
Assignment Type: Group Assignment
Prepared by: Ong Kim Kok, Soh Yun Kiat, Low Yee Chin and Ooi Poh Kee
Software: Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop

The System Design:
The Log in page for the Customer and the Sales Person, and Sign Up
This is the Sign up Page
This is customer home page
This is the new car customer page
This is the buying page, customer can purchase through this page
This is Customer account page, they can delete account, edit, save and exit from account
This is the Sales Person Car manager- New Account Page.
This is the Sales person commission page. The sales person can see their commission can calculate their commission.
Sales Person can see their Report in line graph or Data.

Friday, April 22, 2011

21th of April - My Presentation Day

My matrix end with 8.. My presentation is at last week of the class~ bcoz there is not enough time for us to present in the class, so we choose the time which En.Syamsul give us to present.. So, i am choosing to present at thursday around 2.30pm.

I go to the class earlier to know the room of the presentation, this is En.Syamsul teach us, hehe~ i try stand in front of the class, say "good afternoon everyone.." practise and relax myself..

In the class, have around 20++ people, but when the presentation start, there only have 10 people.. Maybe other people have class.. So, who will ask me questions? I want mark for Q&A.

When there is my turn to present, i feel a bit nervous, but when i start to greeting, i feel ok.. I have practise before to present, so i can handle it. For the Q&A part, there have 2 questions for me, luckily i can answer it..

**My presentation end.**

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

19th of April

Suddenly this morning before go to the class, my friends tell me there have presentation tmr, since there is nt enough time for us to present, so we nid to present at other time. But i not have enough for me to prepare.. As i not finish upload my portfolio and need to prepare the power point for presentation use.

Then when in the class, En.Syamsul say that there also have presentation on Thursday, who want presentation on that days just write the name on the paper. Two more days for me to prepare, i think there is enough time for me.. It is because i have class in the morning, so i choose the afternoon section to present.

I busy doing my assignment in class, the presentation not started yet.. Oh~ the projector got a litter bit problem,
so need used about 30 minute to technical problem, so the presentation start late..
On this time, the ajk for the trip, give us the badge a "free" badge~it is nice la~ i like it!

They give back our balance , RM6 to us..
Here get back the RM6,  there need to pay for the practicum briefing...RM10!!!!haiz~

Oh ya, before i forget.. At here thank you, Deddy, for the Chocolate ^^

Then in the class, they are presentation and i am busy with prepared my presentation.

~Class End~

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

12th of April

Class cancel again.. So mean presentation delay again, we worry about can't finish our presentation on time~
Today class cancel because of we are happen some incident when come back to UUM from our KL trip, En.Syamsul want us to rest for this week..

En.Syamsul post this news on facebook with writing like this:
"Penyimpan mohon Raja-raja Merong Mahawangsa dengan in mengisytiharkan bahawa
pada 12 April 2011 adalah dibatalkan......
sebarang kemusykilan sila hubungi 1234 tekanx2 xdapat...

Haha.. My lecturer so cute and so funny..
Thank you, En.Syamsul let us rest for this week..

Monday, April 11, 2011

Multimedia World Explore。Happy and scary experience

We start our journey at 9pm, i can feel everyone so excited. Below is the situation we in the bus..
We are sleeping in the bus, the bus got showing the movie, i only see a while then i am sleeping. The bus always stop to let us go to the bathroom, this make me difficult to sleep.

We arrived at KL about 4am. We all go to prepared ourselves then go to having our breakfast. We all choose to go to KFC having our breakfast. Because still veery early, we need to wait in the bus until 9am to visit the first company.
Before visit the Silver Ant
In theSilver Ant
with "Seefood"..
 The seefood poster..
we with En.Syamsul
En.Syamsul and I
Sharing time..
We are multimedia student

After that, we are going to having our lunch, but we only have 45min, quit rush for us..
We are eating at Xian Ding Wei
Delicious ^^
 Outside of Cyberview
On the bus on back to UUM
We all are very tired, almost all people sleeping on the way back to UUM. When there are about 3.30am, while i am sleeping.. SUDDENLY, "Bang!!" What happen?! Is accident.. Really scare.. When i feel i am not getting any injured, i look around, i look at my friends, Boey, his cloth have blood.. Oh! i faster get him tisu and mirror.. He say his spectacles broken, so make his injured.. I am very scare to see all of that.. When i saw Albert, his head was blood.. What i can do?? I duno how to help him..
In front of the bus door was broken, we can't get down by the front door, so we are using the emergency door to get down from the bus. Ting Wei and Kim Kok help us to get down from the bus. Thanks ya Ting Wei and Kim Kok. I see my friends crying because of too scare. When my friends say her leg was pain, only  realize that my leg also pain, maybe is too scare make me can't feel all of the painness. We all sitting at beside the road to waiting another bus come back to fetch us. At 6am, there have a Matahari bus over here, then the driver say he can fetch us to changlun, really thanks to the driver too. When at changlun, the another bus come here to fetch us back to UUM.

Finally, we are arrived UUM. This is a scary journey. Lucky that we all are safe.. Thank you all my friends still alive.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

5th of April

Today, we all the last semester student compulsory to attend for the Graduate Excellence Assistance Training (GREAT) Module 1 which is about Professional Image and Business Etiquette, so En.Syamsul cancel the class.

The GREAT invite Miss Caitlyn to give us a talk, she tell us about What's the impact of your image? Important of the first impression, the ways to create a great first impression.. Here i have learn the 3 A's of image management. First is attitude, second and third can be action and appearance.
Besides that, she also teach us about the gentlement and ladies wearing style to look more professional. she also show us the right way to shake hand with people.

This is a good seminar~

Monday, April 4, 2011

UUM Kiosk System

Title: UUM Kiosk System
Year: 2009
Lecturer: Dr. Zulikha Jamaludin
Assignment Type: Group Assignment
Prepared by: Low Yee Chin, Ooi Poh Kee and Leong Sai Wai
Software: Adobe Flash CS3 and Adobe Photoshop CS3

This system is design for visitors to UUM. Visitors to UUM may involve novice users to expert users. They normally come to UUM for special occasion like convocation, fun-fair, or special ceremonies. This kiosk system is design about this campus in term of its maps, special locations, colleges, detail about each place etc. The system will show to visitors how to go to that place.

 Welcome page
 This is the main page. Click on the left side button to view the location on the map.
When mouse roll over, there have tool tip show the name of the location. 
When click on the location, there will show the way how to go to the location. Besides that, there also have direction to teach user how to go to the location.
When click on the red circle, there will show the picture besides the view on the way to the location.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Poster FAM

Title: Forever Sport, Forever and Ever Malaysia! Malaysia Boleh..
Year: 2008
Lecturer: Prof Dr Norshuhada Shiratuddin
Assignment Type: Individual Assignment
Prepared by: Low Yee Chin
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3

Instruction :
- Theme: To give inspiration or motivation Malaysia people towards Malaysia Soccer Team regarding to poor performance lately.
- Color: Complementary (Yellow and Black)
- Phrases or words in English only
- Must have Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) logo in the poster, phrases (word) and images.
- The design is based on your own creativity

Web Page of FAM

Title: Football Association of Malaysia
Year: 2008
Lecturer: Prof Dr Norshuhada Shiratuddin
Assignment Type: Individual Assignment
Prepared by: Low Yee Chin
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3

Instruction :
- Theme: Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) Web Page
- Color: Complementary (Yellow and Black)
- Size: The size is 1024 by 768
- Language in English only
- Must have Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) logo, phrases (word) and images.
- Design your web page into 5 section. 1) Header  2) Menu  3) Main Contents  4) Login  and  5) footer
- The design is based on your own creativity.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

29th of March

Today is who matrix number end with 2 and 3 have their presentation. Again i can feel their tension.. Before the presentation start, En.Syamsul give us a quiz with the title "Explain the strategies on for the great presentation". 10marks for this quiz.. we can submit the quiz today when the class end or bofore 5pm on coming thursday..
Presentation start..
Because of need to rush my other paper assignment, i bring my laptop to the class. i am doing my assignment in the class, but i also got see my friends present while i am busy.. I have doing the quiz too, but can't complete it, just finish half.. So, i will submit it on Thursday..

~The class end~

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mystery Masquerade Night

Today, we go to EDC by bus.. When arrived at EDC, i can see everyone wear nicely and beautiful.. This is a wonderful and memorable night for all of us before we graduate..
All of the girl..
 10 of us..
Me and pooying.. She first time wear the skirt, everyone want take photo with her..
Eating time..
We with En.Syamsul and his daugher..

There are a lot of activity such as every table have a lucky girl or guy to be selected to play a lucky draw game, cat walk show..
 There are playing the game..
Soh Yun kiat, singing time..
This is the post that we post in cat walk show.. 
We win in the competition of cat walk show..

The Mystery Masquerade Night end..