

Monday, April 11, 2011

Multimedia World Explore。Happy and scary experience

We start our journey at 9pm, i can feel everyone so excited. Below is the situation we in the bus..
We are sleeping in the bus, the bus got showing the movie, i only see a while then i am sleeping. The bus always stop to let us go to the bathroom, this make me difficult to sleep.

We arrived at KL about 4am. We all go to prepared ourselves then go to having our breakfast. We all choose to go to KFC having our breakfast. Because still veery early, we need to wait in the bus until 9am to visit the first company.
Before visit the Silver Ant
In theSilver Ant
with "Seefood"..
 The seefood poster..
we with En.Syamsul
En.Syamsul and I
Sharing time..
We are multimedia student

After that, we are going to having our lunch, but we only have 45min, quit rush for us..
We are eating at Xian Ding Wei
Delicious ^^
 Outside of Cyberview
On the bus on back to UUM
We all are very tired, almost all people sleeping on the way back to UUM. When there are about 3.30am, while i am sleeping.. SUDDENLY, "Bang!!" What happen?! Is accident.. Really scare.. When i feel i am not getting any injured, i look around, i look at my friends, Boey, his cloth have blood.. Oh! i faster get him tisu and mirror.. He say his spectacles broken, so make his injured.. I am very scare to see all of that.. When i saw Albert, his head was blood.. What i can do?? I duno how to help him..
In front of the bus door was broken, we can't get down by the front door, so we are using the emergency door to get down from the bus. Ting Wei and Kim Kok help us to get down from the bus. Thanks ya Ting Wei and Kim Kok. I see my friends crying because of too scare. When my friends say her leg was pain, only  realize that my leg also pain, maybe is too scare make me can't feel all of the painness. We all sitting at beside the road to waiting another bus come back to fetch us. At 6am, there have a Matahari bus over here, then the driver say he can fetch us to changlun, really thanks to the driver too. When at changlun, the another bus come here to fetch us back to UUM.

Finally, we are arrived UUM. This is a scary journey. Lucky that we all are safe.. Thank you all my friends still alive.

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