

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

19th of April

Suddenly this morning before go to the class, my friends tell me there have presentation tmr, since there is nt enough time for us to present, so we nid to present at other time. But i not have enough for me to prepare.. As i not finish upload my portfolio and need to prepare the power point for presentation use.

Then when in the class, En.Syamsul say that there also have presentation on Thursday, who want presentation on that days just write the name on the paper. Two more days for me to prepare, i think there is enough time for me.. It is because i have class in the morning, so i choose the afternoon section to present.

I busy doing my assignment in class, the presentation not started yet.. Oh~ the projector got a litter bit problem,
so need used about 30 minute to technical problem, so the presentation start late..
On this time, the ajk for the trip, give us the badge a "free" badge~it is nice la~ i like it!

They give back our balance , RM6 to us..
Here get back the RM6,  there need to pay for the practicum briefing...RM10!!!!haiz~

Oh ya, before i forget.. At here thank you, Deddy, for the Chocolate ^^

Then in the class, they are presentation and i am busy with prepared my presentation.

~Class End~

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